Page 157 - 2021年第十八届中国(上海)国际园林景观产业贸易博览会
P. 157

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                                                                                         Fibrpro International Limited

          ᅚ෻ݼḤ̼͏ͼͼ΁͵Ḥ͛ͼğ͏̽̽͂Ḥ                                                            ᅚ෻ݼ ̼͏ͼͼ΁͵Ḥ͛ͼğ͏̽̽̓
          地址 /Add:上海市金山区枫泾镇团新村惠枫公路 88 号                                                  地址:香港新界沙田安平街 6 号新贸中心 A 座 18 楼 5 单元
          邮编 /Post:201501                                                                Add:Unit 5, 18/F, Block A, New Trade Plaza, 6 On Ping Street, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
          电话 /Tel:18301992679 13917365595                                                电话 /Tel:+86 13609610801
          邮箱 /                                                 传真 /Fax:+852 35685519
          网址 /                                                  邮箱 /
                                                                                         网址 /Web:;

          ܄ඳࡥࢺğ                                                                          ܄ඳࡥࢺğ
            上海金山·浙江嘉善娜塔栎产业联合会主要范围在金山与嘉善交界区域,有面积 5000 亩,现存圃娜                                 FIBRPRO®(菲普)集团总部设在中国香港,团队由材料、生产、结构、建造、项目及合约管理等
          塔栎 100 多万株,少量弗吉尼亚栎及柳叶栎。                                                        领域的工程师组成。凭借这个独特的基础,菲普自 2010 年成立时起就成为从事设计、生产和应用纤维
            金山嘉善联合会(筹),依托上海林业站、上海交通大学、南京林业大学、中国林科院亚林所、上                                  增强复合新材料(FRP)的业内领先企业。作为香港特别行政区政府发展局认可公共工程物料供货商及
          海园林科学规划院等技术人员支持指导下,经多年学习摸索,总结了“病虫草肥水形”一整套标准化生                                  专门承建商,我们专门为 FRP 相关工程提供方案、设计、制造、交付、安装和调试一站式全方位建造
          产模式,所用种源直接从美国密西西比州合作林场进口,品种纯正,标准化程度高,品质优,规格全,                                  承包服务。我们为能完成富有挑战性的项目感到自豪,而且随时准备承接独特具创新性的定制工程。凭
          是全国娜塔栎主要生产区,也是娜塔栎产业发展最具潜力的区域。倾注橡树彩叶情,共筑绿水青山梦。                                  借我们在合成材料、生产工艺、制造技术、工程技能及项目承包方面的广博知识和丰富经验,菲普于
          热忱欢迎有志于彩色树种的有识人士莅临指导,携手共创新时代生态文明建设宏伟大业。                                        2015 年将服务范围扩展到工程预制产品,并从那时开始一直提供创新、高性价比的预制件方案,从而
                                                                                         解决复杂的施工难题和建筑市场日益突出的高人工成本问题。继往开来的菲普集团于 2018 年独资在广
                                                                                            Headquartered in Hong Kong, FIBRPRO® comprises a team of engineers specializing in
                                                                                         the fields of materials, production techniques, structures, construction methodologies and
                                                                                         management. It is with this unique foundation that FIBRPRO® has been at the forefront in
                                                                                         the design and fabrication of Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) products for the construction
                                                                                         industry since its establishment in 2010. Certified as an Approved Supplier of Materials and
                                                                                         Specialist Contractor for Public Works of Hong Kong SAR, Fibrpro is a one-stop contracting
                                                                                         service provider that offers design, engineering, manufacturing, delivery, installation
                                                                                         and commissioning for a comprehensive range of FRP related products and works with
                                                                                         both proprietary designs and customer specific requirements. We take much pride in our
                                                                                         involvement in numerous innovative and challenging projects including some singular
                                                                                         customised works. With our extensive knowledge of composite materials, manufacturing
                                                                                         techniques, engineering skills and contracting requirements, we extended our service scope
                                                                                         to proprietary engineered prefabrication products in 2015, and since then have been offering
                                                                                         innovative and cost-effective solutions to address complex construction and architectural
                                                                                         challenges and overcome the high labour costs in the construction market with improved
                                                                                         productivity. Going from strength to strength, FIBRPRO® set up a dedicated FRP manufacturing
                                                                                         plant in Guangdong in 2018 with research and development (R&D) capability, taking the
                                                                                         development path that integrates education, research, production, and application. How
                                                                                         are we able to read your minds and to realize your thoughts? Because we are manufacturer,
                                                                                         engineer and contractor integrated as one!

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